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The best marketing of 2024 just happened

Bobbie stood on the shoulder of giants and I'm HERE for it.

Good morning,

To say that I’m energized is an understatement.

Yesterday we were set to record the pod as usual. But I had to change the plan.

20 minutes before I’m doing my daily scroll of LinkedIn while making a tea when I was forced to run to my desk like a mad lady to bang out a post.

To be clear, I don’t get excited about posting on LinkedIn, and I rarely aim for within-minutes timeliness but I couldn’t help myself.

So what in goodness had happened?


I’ve copied my post below as it’s the best summary of my excitement.

I texted Kirsten right after I hit post and said we had to discuss it.

We get into the below and more.

It’s an 11min episode so I won’t trouble you with time stamps.


Is this the future of marketing?! Because I’m HERE for it.

Bobbie, the formula brand, just released this ad with Molly Baz.

It’s historic on all levels.

1) A mom breastfeeding on a billboard in Times Square.


Better yet from a formula brand. Supporting moms feeding their babies any way they choose—I couldn’t love it more.

2) Proudly showing a mom combo feeding.

Relatable and super significant.

Combo feeding is something many moms do but are frequently worried about. And worse, shamed for.

And now there’s a billboard telling you it’s not only normal and ok but downright amazing—I raise my glass.

3) It's the third part in the most epic trilogy in marketing I've ever seen.

A 3-part brand conversation.

Has that EVER happened before?

Brands collectively building on a conversation versus competing for attention.

I'm not just clapping, I'm crying.

Well done Swehl for starting this convo.

Well done Seed Health for wading into important waters and showing us a new way to play.

Well done Bobbie for taking things to an epic level.

And well done Molly Baz for bravely and beautifully lending your story to the cause.

This is going down as the highlight of 2024 in my book.

Anyone else just want to rush into the street and start shouting YES!!!?

In other news, I took my first stab at making the newsletter a TikTok.

Don’t worry, I’m wildly aware that 20mins is too long. But in the spirit of done is better than perfect I sent it out into the world.

I’m still sorting through how I want to make these ‘weekly recaps’ for you all.

I welcome any (constructive) advice.

That’s all, folx!


PS. If you prefer Apple, Spotify, or YouTube you can listen there too.

If you read this and liked it, that little heart is there for that. The algo and I appreciate it. 

Discussion about this podcast

This podcast will dive a little deeper into bit of our weekly GOOD THINKING letter. Not a recap or a reading, just chatting more, unpacking, giving more insights—the fun stuff. Like the letter, the lens is a best-of-the-best on culture, trends, marketing, etc. What I’m dropping to friends on Slack or finding useful in meetings with brands.