
Intergenerational marketing is the future

Plus: A great example of a good brand that should be having more fun


This week on the podcast we get into one of my favorite topics: intergenerational marketing.

In the letter, I wrote about the massive rise in people moving in with their parents.

This shift has been happening for a while but marketers have yet to truly capitalize on what it means.

So we dig in.

0:29 - Moms are the best roomies

1:56 - The power of Gen-X’s free income and how their spending will shift

4:13 - Cross-generational influence—the influence is going both ways.

7:12 - The standard for '‘elder’ products is shifting dramatically

After that, we get into a few other fun topics from the letter.

8:40 - Private label popularity

10:48 - Women’s health shakeup and opportunity

12:56 - Resolve’s brick-and-mortar in Aspen

16:12 - How Madison Reed could be having more fun

That’s all, folx.

- Chris

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